Life can overwhelm us, can’t it? We are constantly pulled in all directions: children’s activities, work, projects, keeping up with the home, family – the list goes on and on. All of these things leave us feeling we are missing something – and wondering just where that bright-eyed couple and excitement for life together has gone.
- Have you felt that way?
- Are you missing that loving feeling in your marriage?
- Has life left you wondering where the love went?
- Do you question why, if marriage is being a team, do you feel so lonely?
- Do you feel there’s more work than fun in your relationship?
Reimagine is a simple process we offer to help couples decide what they need to do to get that loving feeling back.
What does that process look like?
- 3 hours with Tim and Diana
- An exercise encouraging you to dream about what you want your marriage to look like in a year
- Specific directions on how you can achieve the future relationship you want
- A personal assessment with suggestions on your next best steps
Interested? Need more information?
- The cost is $500
- If you choose to take the next-step suggestion that we make, we will gift you $500 towards that program.
- Any other questions? Email